




Hat Trick

Games / Brain Teasers /

The Situation:
There is an island with 10 inhabitants. One day a monster comes and says that he intends to eat every one of them but will give them a chance to survive in the following way:

In the morning, the monster will line up all the people - single file so that the last person sees the remaining 9, the next person sees the remaining 8, and so on until the first person that obviously sees no one in front of himself. The monster will then place black or white hats on their heads randomly (they can be all white, all black or any combination thereof).

The monster will offer each person starting with the last one (who sees everyone else's hats) to guess the color of his/her own ...

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Black to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This is one of those positions you probably won’t be able to figure out; HOWEVER, if you want to get better, set up the position on a board, look at the answer, then cover the answer and try to imagine how to do it over the board you’ve set up. Excellent training.

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Petals Around the Rose

Games / Brain Teasers /

You roll five dice. The computer calculates the score. Your job is to find out what the computer based the score on.

If you roll 5, 4, 6, 3, and 5, the score is 10.

If you roll 1, 3, 3, 4, and 2, the score is 4.

If you roll 1, 6, 2, 6, and 4,the score is 0.

What is the method?

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Einstein's Riddle

Games / Brain Teasers /

Einstein's Riddle: Einstein wrote the following riddle. He said that 98% of the world could not solve it. But several NIEHS scientists were able to solve it, and they said its not all that hard if you pay attention and are very patient. Give it a try:

There are 5 houses in 5 different colors in a row. In each house lives a person with a different nationality. The 5 owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar, or drink the same beverage. Other facts:

1. The Brit lives in the red house.
2. The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
3. The Dane drinks tea.
4. The green house...

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Each sentence below contains a word that can be anagrammed to answer or describe the sentence.

Example: Craft that might tip in the ocean. Answer: Canoe (Anagram of ocean)

1. Bit of brush
2. Opposite of unite
3. Writings of a steno
4. They affix without paste
5. Having less reason for fears
6. Animal that may need a shoer

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

Chess Tricks, Part III.

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Can you figure out which well-known oxymorons these words translate to?
Ex) Initial facsimile = original copy

1) Latest ritual
2) Average huge
3) Juvenile grown-up
4) Factual deceptions
5) Unwell fitness

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Hinkie Pinkie

Games / Brain Teasers /

These word pairs are not in relation to each other, but if you find their synonyms, the two words will rhyme.

Example : Over-sized Feline = Fat Cat

Dog Kiss
Funny Cat
Monster Movie
Unusual Rabbit
Copper Teapot
Wedding Limo
Untamed Minor

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

Chess Tricks, Part II Black went Nh5 to threaten to take the bishop, but White had a trick up his sleeve.

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More Story-grams

Games / Brain Teasers /

Below is a (very) short story with 10 capitalized words or phrases which are anagrams of words that all fit in a certain category. Can you find the anagrams and determine the category?

NOTE: One of the answers contains two words.

A recently PAROLED man named Ari was going to ROB A PEARL boat of all of its FIG FARE. The boat was just off of the SHORE. He put on his BALM and donned his TOGA to SNEAK aboard. ARI GOT ALL of the NEAT HELP he needed from a safety pin that kept his toga IN PLACE.

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Word Challenger

Games / Brain Teasers /

Find the correct words that fit with the following words:

Example: Air PORT Wine

1. Birth _ _ _ Light
2. Knock _ _ _ Line
3. Rock _ _ _ _ _ Bar

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Black to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

I was looking through my first chess book (The Game of Chess by Golombek)and found a section on “tricks.” We’ll do some tricks this week. Here, Black surprised White in what seemed like a stable position.

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Operation Weapon-ectomy

Games / Brain Teasers /

Six words have had their weapons removed. The weapons have been placed into Group A. The remaining letters of each word have been placed into Group B. Your task is to reconstitute the words by merging each weapon with the proper set of letters. Other than merging the two groups together, there is no rearranging of the letters. Example: sand + pne = spanned (SpANneD).

Group A: bomb, gun, mace, rifle, saber, spear
Group B: ainale, ltto, niur, tiliz, toiat, urntual

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Below is a (very) short story with 8 capitalized words or phrases which are anagrams of words that all fit in a certain category. Can you find the anagrams and determine the category?

An old car, which was REGAL BLACK, was traveling on a road named LONE OLD WAY. There were two people in the front seat. The man said, "We're going to the office. IT'S NEAR BRAD'S BAR. The new car gives A FASTER RIDE than normal, but I OWE DAN A LOT, as I've paid ONLY NORM, MARIE. I filled out the REBATE REPORTS, but they came back with a note that said, 'REDO FOR DR. BRET.'"

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Word Swap

Games / Brain Teasers /

The following sentences have two blanks that can be filled with two words that are anagrams of each other. Can you figure out those words?

1. The burglar had __________ the entire apartment, and it seemed locating even one clue of his identity would be impossible. However, the skilled detective needed but a few __________ of the burglar's torn jeans to start the process of finding the perpetrator.

2. The construction boss sent Jim to the store for more __________. After an hour of Jim being gone, the boss remarked, "It's a good thing Jim is a hard worker because that boy is as slow as a __________.

3. What started out as a peaceful march turned into complete __________ and the National...

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

OK, suitable for a weekend puzzle, this is a long sequence with a central theme of attacking along the diagonal from a2-g8. See if you can work it out all the way to mate at the end.

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Do you know what the following abbreviations mean?


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Blank Change

Games / Brain Teasers /

In the four sentences below, are two blanks. You must fill them in with words that are either anagrams, synonyms, antonyms, or homonyms. You can only use each of these one time each sentence. Can you figure out each word?

1. The golfer has yelled out "____" ____ times today.

2. They began to ____ scones, and drink ____.

3. She used one ____ to look down at her wrist and see her ____.

4. He ran ____ the dog in order ____ not get bitten by it.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A finish from former world champ Anand.

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Word Clues

Games / Brain Teasers /

For each of the following clues, what is a synonym that contains the letters in the () consecutively?

1. A talk (LEC)
2. A challenge between 2 or more people (CON)
3. To sign up (REG)
4. An organization established to help the needy (TY)
5. To talk (CATE)
6. In charge (SPON)
7. Place (CA)

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Printable Games

Crossword Print
Sudoku Print


Mutts John Branch Michael Ramirez Christopher Weyant Darrin Bell Dogs of C-Kennel