


Today's Word "heterodox"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

heterodox \HET-uh-ruh-doks\ (adjective) - 1 : Contrary to or differing from some acknowledged standard, especially in church doctrine or dogma; unorthodox. 2 : Holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines.

"Already I was considered heterodox if not treasonable, and I was keenly alive to the danger of my position; nevertheless I could not at times ...Read more

Today's Word "bombinate"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

bombinate \BOM-buh-nayt\ (intransitive verb) - To buzz; to hum; to drone.

"Sometimes the computer bombinates way into the night, stops for a bit of rest, then resumes its hum at the early hours of the morning."

Bombinate is from Late Latin bombinatus, past participle of bombinare, alteration of Latin bombilare, from bombus, "a boom."

Today's Word "tutelary"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

tutelary \TOO-tuh-lair-ee; TYOO-\ (adjective) - Having the guardianship or charge of protecting a person or a thing; guardian; protecting; as, "tutelary goddesses."

"But there is a tutelary deity for misers, and by a chain of unforeseen circumstances that tutelary deity was so ordering matters that the purchase-money of his extortionate bargain...Read more

Today's Word "arcane"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

arcane \ar-KAYN\ (adjective) - Understood or known by only a few.

"Gustav had no skills in the arcane art himself, a fact he had bitterly regretted as a child, having mistakenly imagined that magic could solve all his problems, ease all his griefs, make everything right." -- Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman, 'Guardians of the Lost'

Arcane is ...Read more

Today's Word "raillery"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

raillery \RAY-luh-ree\ (noun) - 1 : Good-humored teasing or banter. 2 : An instance of such good-humored teasing; a jest.

"But as matter for ridicule is always ready to hand, and as most men are only too fond of fun and raillery, even buffoons are called witty and pass for clever fellows; though it is clear from what has been said that wit is ...Read more

Today's Word "congeries"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

congeries \KON-juh-reez\ (noun) - A collection; an aggregation.

"But if the congeries of past events, if congeries it was, could be separated from its usual partnership with sentiment, it cannot have been too much to cheer Lolita on in her wholehearted attempt." -- Gilbert Sorrentino, 'Pack of Lies'

Congeries is from Latin congeries, meaning "...Read more

Today's Word "peripatetic"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

peripatetic \pair-uh-puh-TET-ik\ (adjective) - 1. Of or pertaining to walking about or traveling from place to place; itinerant. 2 : Of or pertaining to the philosophy taught by Aristotle (who gave his instructions while walking in the Lyceum at Athens), or to his followers.

(noun) - 1 : One who walks about; a pedestrian; an itinerant. 2 : ...Read more

Today's Word "dotage"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

dotage \DOH-tij\ (noun) - Feebleness of mind due to old age; senility.

"Jess, you told me you would never wear that particular bonnet unless you were in your dotage or wished to bewitch the man of your dreams..." -- Elizabeth Thornton, 'Bluestocking Bride'

Dotage comes from the verb to dote, meaning "to be weak-minded, silly, or foolish; to ...Read more

Today's Word "trencherman"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

trencherman \TREN-chuhr-muhn\ (noun) - A hearty eater.

"Dr. Zollner was arranging his large lunch in front of him with the expertise of a real trencherman." -- Nelson DeMille, 'Plum Island'

Trencherman is from trencher, "a wooden board or platter on which food is served or carved" (which itself is from Medieval French trencheoir, from Old ...Read more

Today's Word "galvanic"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

galvanic \gal-VAN-ik\ (adjective) - 1 : Of, pertaining to, or producing a direct current of electricity, especially when produced chemically. 2 : Affecting or affected as if by an electric shock; startling; shocking. 3 : Stimulating; energizing.

"I can feel in my face that I have turned either bright red or ghost white, with the same galvanic ...Read more

Today's Word "idyll"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

idyll \EYE-dl\ (noun) - 1 : A simple descriptive work, either in poetry or prose, dealing with simple, rustic life; pastoral scenes; and the like. 2 : A narrative poem treating an epic, romantic, or tragic theme. 3 : A lighthearted carefree episode or experience. 4 : A romantic interlude.

"For the sake of our idyll I did not take her remark as ...Read more

Today's Word "putative"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

putative \PYOO-tuh-tiv\ (adjective) - Commonly thought or deemed; supposed; reputed.

"Having washed her hands and face, tidied her hair, and powdered her nose, she set out to find her hostess, the putative mistress of this anything but ordinary household." -- Carola Dunn, 'Mistletoe and Murder'

Putative comes from Late Latin putativus, from ...Read more

Today's Word "equivocate"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

equivocate \ih-KWIV-uh-kayt\ (intransitive verb) - To be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or to avoid committing oneself to anything definite.

"A woman does not thrill, blush, equivocate, and faint for nothing; especially such a woman as Miss Leavenworth." -- Anna Katharine Green, 'The Leavenworth Case'

To equivocate is ...Read more

Today's Word "benefaction"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

benefaction \BEN-uh-fak-shuhn; ben-uh-FAK-shuhn\ (noun) - 1 : The act of conferring a benefit. 2 : A benefit conferred; especially, a charitable donation.

"On my side, I could have cursed the kindness that conferred upon me this benefaction, but I kept my vexation under the surface for policy's sake, and did with I could to let on to be glad." ...Read more

Today's Word "malcontent"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

malcontent \mal-kuhn-TENT; MAL-kuhn-tent\ (noun) - 1 : One who is discontented or dissatisfied. 2 : A discontented subject of a government; one who opposes an established order.

(adjective) - Discontented; uneasy; dissatisfied.

"I was excited, but something, the malcontent perhaps, was keeping me from displaying my enthusiasm." -- Chuck ...Read more

Today's Word "plangent"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

plangent \PLAN-juhnt\ (adjective) - 1 : Beating with a loud or deep sound, as, "the plangent wave." 2 : Expressing sadness; plaintive.

"He let the plangent memory of the music fill his head and flow down his arms and fill his fingers." -- Terry Pratchet, 'Soul Music'

Plangent derives from the present participle of Latin plangere, to beat, to ...Read more

Today's Word "superannuated"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

superannuated \soo-pur-AN-yoo-ay-tid\ (adjective) - 1 : Discharged or disqualified on account of old age; retired from service, especially with a pension. 2 : Old; no longer in use; no longer valid; outmoded.

"The worthy man was hale and hearty, not exceeding three score and seven, and had never dreamt of being superannuated." -- John Galt, '...Read more

Today's Word "pablum"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

pablum \PAB-luhm\ (noun) - Something (as writing or speech) that is trite, insipid, or simplistic.

"'It's not all pablum for the masses, you know!' I let out my breath. He was probably just embarrassed to be caught enjoying the pablum of the masses." -- Jacqueline Girdner, 'Murder Most Mellow'

Pablum is derived from Pablum, a trademarked ...Read more

Today's Word "puerile"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

puerile \PYOO-uhr-uhl; PYOOR-uhl\ (adjective) - Displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; juvenile; childish.

"Hal cleared his throat to out-spit Leroy, then swallowed hard, laughing at his puerile urge." - Evelyn Cole, 'For The Sake Of All Others'

Puerile comes from Latin puerilis, from puer, "child, boy."

Why Admirals Use the Big, Big 'D'

Knowledge / The Word Guy /

In "The Secret Life of Words" (Harcourt, $24), Paul West becomes a tabloid gossip columnist, revealing the skeletons (or "spell-etons") in the closets of famous words.

You might assume, for instance, that "admiral" derives from "admire"; certainly such a high-ranking naval officer is worthy of admiration. But West reveals that admiral comes ...Read more



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